“I founded The Boutique Chalet Company over ten years ago and it’s a real synergy of all my passions. At the core is my love of property; I’m an experienced developer and have always been fascinated by design. It’s an honour to work with the totally unique properties that are in our portfolio, especially those where I have been involved with the owner from the outset of their journey.”
Chris Hamblin
Managing Director
Property Management & Operation
Ultimately, the enjoyment of your mountain home is the most important point. That is why we make these investments. I think that, more so than with other types of property, purchasing a luxury ski chalet is about lifestyle and spending quality time with family and friends. I hope I can showcase here how we can help you realise that goal.
For me, this is at the core of what I believe makes us different. It’s not about defining a set service but rather drawing from a breadth of options to define the right support for you to maximise your enjoyment of the property. I often talk about us as ‘Property Partners’ for precisely this reason. I don’t view us simply as a rental agency, or a property management company, or a sales agent. We’re all of those things and more; which allow us to provide a full, end-to-end set of services to our property owners in a way which very few can.

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Our Experience
Our experience stretches back more than a decade now. Myself and my wife Sarah first left behind a corporate career in central London back in 2010. What started out as a career break quickly turned into a major property development as we embarked on the construction of Chalet Twenty26 and from there, the formation of The Boutique Chalet Company. When I look back now this was quite a unique entry into the industry, because we were both the owners, the developers, the managers and the rental agency all rolled into one, so that forms the foundation of our approach today.
Sales & Marketing
We’ve always had a strong focus on creating a luxury brand presence which complements the stunning properties that we represent. We market the properties both directly through our own website and also with a variety of sales partners. A more recent development is a series of video-based content being pushed out through various social platforms which we are calling ‘Living at Altitude’. This aims to showcase aspects of mountain life and property ownership. It’s a creative way for us to promote the brand but also to share our passion for the mountains. The best place to see more is to follow us on Instagram – and also check out our YouTube channel where we have longer format content.
Our Core Team
Over the years we have built a strong team of excellent people and today it’s their respective skills and experience that sets us apart. In my opinion our size is now ‘about right’. We’re big enough to be able to afford specialists in each of our service areas but we’re still small enough to be personal. You would have personal relationships with each of us as well as a dedicated house manager specific for your property. I think this combination of expertise and personal insight is key to success in this business.
Property Management
Most of the properties we look after are unique bespoke builds which have had huge amounts of care and attention to detail lavished on them by their owners during the design and construction phase. This is, of course, what makes them such special properties, but it also makes the ongoing maintenance of them a significant and important undertaking. The mountains are a hostile environment for a property – freezing temperatures and snow in winter give way to huge electrical storms in the spring, followed by intense heat come summer and often very wet and windy autumns. This environment, combined with complex electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing and spa systems, as well as the ‘on / off’ use of the properties, means that significantly more attention is required than is often the case for an equivalent private home.
Our service spans across four main areas: